Thursday, March 22, 2007

Size On by Gaspari Nutrition

Size ON Gaspari Nutrition
Best Intra and Post Workout Drink Ever; Nothing Gets You Bigger,
Faster and Gives Your More Power and Energy!!!
How do you like that for an advertisement line? Well, initially, I was pretty blase'
and skeptical about it too and then my friend and business associate, Rich Gaspari
from Gaspari Nutrition said, "OK, that's how we're going to advertise it Bruce, now
you get to build it!"
Say what?!? Come again?!? You're pulling my leg, right Rich? Usually you develop
the product first and THEN write the advertising pitch, not the other way around
buddy. Someone, not gonna mention any names, needs to go to a remedial, supplement
developing course at community college!
This was going to be one of the more "challenging" supplements I have ever had to
engineer, thatís for sure. For starters, Rich already had about the best pre-workout
drink on the market in Superpump250™, I mean, have you seen the "before and
after" pictures? How the heck was I going to top this one, especially with an intra
or post work out concoction? Oh and did I mention, Rich told me "it" has to "taste
awesome and can't cause deadly diarrhea, frothing farts or abdominal bloating?"
Sure, and while we're at it Rich, why don't we just throw in that it the product will
do your laundry, balance your checkbook, mow your lawn, and change the fucking
oil in your car?
Working with Rich Gaspari is probably a lot like working with Donald Trump except
Rich hasn't quite got the bank the Trumpster has (yet) but he does have a better
build and a slightly (and I do mean "slightly") more realistic opinion of himself.
There are a lot of great, peri-work out drinks on the market now that work fantastically
well. So this was going to be a monster challenge for me to create something
that blows away the competition. Something that will cause anyone who tries it,
even one time, to say, "hot damned, this really is the most amazing creatine containing
workout drink there is!" It's really hard to be the best when there are so
many exceptionally good "bests" out there already. Why are we doing this one
again, Rich? Oh yeah, your amazing quest to improve upon every market segment
of the supplement industry, thatís right, how could I forget - whatever is out there,
Gaspari can do it better even if it means trying to do the unthinkable - improving on
an existing Gaspari product. Uh huh!
Iteration Number X - You're Fired!
Ok, so it has to smoke every other post workout product by a country mile, this I
know. It's got to taste good and not make you smell like a 2 year old kid from a trailor
park or give you chocolate squirts for hours on end. No problema, mi amigo, senor
Richardo! Now let's get crackin'!
So I thought for a moment, "what would I want in a intra or post workout drink aside
from the things Rich already mentioned?" Well, I would want it to sustain the
"pumped" feeling I get from the gym after my workout as long a humanly possible.
Iíd want it to energize and fuel my muscle with all the nutritional goodies needed to
optimize a positive growth environment and minimize or even eliminate a catabolic
environment and Iíd want it to make me feel good overall with a nice neurological
enhancing effect.
The first recipe I concocted did hit the proverbial "nail on the head" and all that but
the serving size was... uhm... shall we say 'a bit on the large size?' My code name
for this was "the kitchen sink" because it literally had every nutrient and vitamin you
could think of and then a whole lot more. But you know itís a little difficult to mix in
150 grams of a powder into 16 ounces of juice or water without a cement mixer.
Rich, in his best Trumpian voice of course said to me, "this sucks, it clumps together
like lumpy pancake batter... you're fired, hahahahah -- just kidding, go back and
try it again, the serving size is too big and we can't sell 44 pound bottles of the new
Recipe number two was really high tech - I mean, I dug deep into the annals of
research, old and new and found some exotic and esoteric kick ass nutrients, many
of them never used before in our realm that would optimize pre-workout energy,
intra-workout stamina and power, and of course post-workout muscle pump and
positive growth environment. One of these was arachidonic acid (AA) which I wanted
to desperately use and license from Bill Llewellyn/Molecular Nutrition.
Molecular sells AA in a gel cap and the product works really well in packing on the
pounds of lean muscle mass. Unfortunately for "The Apprentice..." AA is an oil and
won't mix well with a pre-workout drink based on water and carbohydrates.
Additionally, when we tried to 'spray it on a carbohydrate' so it would become
water soluable it ended up smelling pretty rank and left an aftertaste that was...
well, it would not cut it. I want to thank Bill and the folks at Molecular for trying very
hard to work with me on this project. Molecular's X-Factor is a great product and I
wish them the best of luck in selling it (and if you are looking for a non-hormonal
method for increasing lean mass, AA/X-Factor is something you need to look into
now). Sayeth the former Night of the Champions and Arnold Classic winner (that'd
be Gaspari), "this tastes pretty bad, what did I say about how it had to taste again?
Weren't you paying attention? - you're fired again, hahahah! Just kidding, try it
again, you'll get it right, Bruce!"
I don't know how many iterations I went through but I did know that Rich's dreams
about being like Trump and having me as some gopher-lackey type a la "The
Apprentice" was wearing think on my nerves.
I had to find the solution, I had to concoct the ultimate intra/post workout drink, not
so much to please Rich and justify my sky high design fee and get my check but to
shut him up before his 'delusions of Donald' really started to creep into other
aspects of his life as well as annoy me to the point where I'd just have to smack the
guy in the head with a 25 pound dumbbell to knock his ass back to reality.
SizeOn™ - The Ultimate Intra-Workout Sustainer AS WELL AS
Post-Workout Rehydrating, Re-energizing & Anabolic Matrix
and Nighttime Growth Factor
Boy that's a mouthful, ain't it? But thatís pretty much what weíve done when creating
this new product and I guarantee that NOTHING ELSE CURRENTLY BEING
I had found a solution to Gaspari's advertising slogan - Best Intra and Post Work
Out Drink Ever; Nothing Gets You Bigger, Faster and Gives Your More Power and
- AND EVEN EXCEEDED THIS, because truly SizeOn™ obliterates the need for a
separate post-workout drink too. I have to tell you, it was not easy. Let's look into
some of what powers SizeOn™ into THE phenomenal product that it is.
Hit The After Burners - This Creatine is Going In Fast and Hard!!!
Yes, SizeOn™ contains creatine in it. But SizeOn™ has two very special, unique types
of creatine in it (one of them that nobody else has thought of or has used in a post work
out/night time product until Gaspari Nutrition came along). This is not to say other creatines
are bad, many of them are pretty damned sweet and most work very well. But
the unique creatine in SizeOn™ (it is called creatine gluconate ester) is really high tech
and ultra-cool. I can't think of a creatine molecule that is going to work better than this
one and here is why: creatine is "attached" to "something," either as a salt (like in
dicreatine malate, creatine phosphate, creatine monohydrate) or as an ester (like in
creatine ethyl ester). Now that salt or ester part of the molecule has pretty much only
been used up until now as a "delivery system" to assist the creatine to get inside the
bloodstream as effectively as possible. Once it is in there, the creatine splits off from
the salt or ester and you end up say... creatine plus water or creatine plus ethanol or
whatever! Most of these delivery systems, after they 'deliver' the creatine into the
bloodstream donít do jack shit, really. Yeah, creatine hooked up to a malate salt is
somewhat useful because malic acid is a good Kreb's cycle intermediary (more on this
later). However, in some cases, the "delivery system" might even be... dare I say, "not
exactly good for you?!?" This is how creatine gluconate is totally different (and vastly
superior) to every other creatine on the market. When you split this molecule you get
creatine and GLUCOSE. So not only does the 'gluconate' part of the molecule help get
the whole shebang into your blood stream faster, when it splits apart, you get something
that is useful - GLUCOSE - which stimulates the release of insulin from the pancreas
(like all simple carbohydrates tend to do) and serves as an additional fuel source for
muscle cellular mitochondrial ATP synthesis. And study after study has shown that in
the presence of increased amounts of insulin, creatine is FAR BETTER absorbed into
muscle cells where it can then do all of the cool things that creatine does. Creatine gluconate
is like a multi-staged rocket ñ the two components together help to insure that
the most amount of creatine possible gets absorbed into your blood stream and then
when the molecule is ìsplitî you get the "after burner" effect of glucose (and not some
non-useful or even harmful by-product) stimulating an insulinogenic response to help
rocket that creatine into the muscle cells as fast as possible.
The other cool creatine found in SizeOn™ is called "creatine alpha-ketoglutaratate."
What is really 'the bomb' about this is that it is creatine attached to a form
of glutamine. There are a plethora of studies demonstrating how useful glutamine
is for muscle growth but the sad truth is that most glutamine products are useless
-- the glutamine you ingest orally never makes it to the bloodstream, it gets "stuck"
in the walls of the intestines where cells there use and degrade it. However, when
attached to a creatine molecule, glutamine (or the alpha-ketone form of it) does
make it to the bloodstream whereby it "can perform its magic" and help to increase
muscle growth.
ATP Disodium Salt - The Most Amazing Cellular Pre-Energizer Ever
As any physiologist 'worth his salt' will tell you, ATP is the energy source that cells
must have readily available to do work. It is the 'energy storage unit' of the human
body. And after your workout, your body, especially your muscle cells, are almost
depleted of it. Now it's not like you're going to run out of it - the mitochondria - the
'power plant production' apparatus of all cells are always making more and more
ATP. But the problem is this; it ain't an instant process and those mitochondria need
time (and glucose, did I mention that?) to make more power, more ATP. Well... why
not just help the mitochondria along by ingesting ATP, specifically the disodium salt
of this cool power molecule, to insure rapid and complete absorption into both the
body and then into the blood stream where is can be uptaken by the liver and red
blood cells? Uhm... dah! Seems pretty obvious that you workout hard and use up
all or most of the muscle cell energy supplies and it's going to take time for the body
to replace it that you could 'help your body along' by ingesting some of this cool
stuff in a pre-workout drink so you don't run low on it while you're training hard. I
mean, it's about as obvious as the day is long so I guess I am really disappointed
that most pre- and post-workout drinks don't contain ATP or any real quantity of it
and if they do, it is not the cool, disodium salt version of it to maximize absorption.
Score one for Gaspari Nutrition here again! ATP Disodium Salt is the fastest way
to prepower and repower your muscle cells before you hit the iron and then after
a heavy, resistance training type workout, bar none. Additionally, ATP Disodium
Salt clearly acts as an insulinogenic it's mechanism of action is well-established as
it causes a stimulation of insulin secretion following the interactions with pancreatic
beta cell purine receptors
Glycerol Monostearate - The 'Ultimate Pump Maker'
Professional and high level amateur bodybuilders have a slick little trick that they
donít want you, the "average Joe," to know about. Well screw this "hidden knowledge
BS" -- we are blowing the top off it. Bodybuilders and their trainers know that
the use of glycerol will cause intense muscle pumps while giving a "dried out and
tight look" for that classic, razor skin thin, shrink wrapped look. Glycerol is what is
known as an "osmotic diuretic" and it helps to pull out extravascular water under the
skin to "shrink wrap" your body while at the same time pushing fluid into the cells (as
in ìmuscle cellsî) to give that insane, pumped up look. Up until now, glycerol was a
fluid and was inconvenient
to use or
incorporate into a
powder supplement.
However with
the advent of the
monostearate ester,
we know have a
solid, sweet tasting,
powdered form of
glycerol that can be
used in a powder
supplement. The
secret that the highest
level bodybuilders
and the
super trainers have
known about - and
used for years - is
now readily available
to the "average
Joe" in SizeOn™.
Nothing is going to
pump you up faster
and make you look
better quicker than
glycerol monostearate
in conjunction
with creatine.
Malic Acid - Providing Energy For The Long Stretch
Malic acid is a Kreb's cycle intermediary that is critical in the mitochondrial synthesis
of ATP. So obviously, adding this useful stuff in gram per serving amounts is going
to have a very positive, noticeable effect on the rate of ATP resynthesis from ADP and
AMP by skeletal muscle mitochondria as well as the sheer total amount of ATP
formed. Providing large amounts of malic acid is like filling up the gas tank of a
Lamborghini Murcielago with 94 octane super unleaded. The mitochondria are like
the engine of the Lambo and the malic acid is like that hi-test gasoline. Your body is
like the rest of the car. If you want your Lambo to have maximal torque and horsepower
so you can drive it on the Autobanh for hundreds of miles on end with no slow
downs (if you want your body to produce as much ATP as fast as possible so you can
exercise longer and harder) then having a "full tank of gas" (having your bloodstream
full of malic acid) is a good way to do it!
No, I Am Not Giving Up My Paycheck... Or My Mind!!!
Ever see that movie Paycheck starring Ben Affleck? It's a pretty cool sci-fi thriller,
I suggest you check it out of the video store when you have some time, but the
essence of this movie is that Affleck is this reverse engineering whiz-kid that companies
pay a lot of money to in order for Affleck to 'reverse engineer' competitor's
products and improve upon them after which this cool device erases Ben's memory
and he gets a mad, crazy paycheck. This kind of thing happened to me here with
SizeOn™ when we were developing and experimenting with carbohydrates to use
as a fuel source and delivery system for the product. Rich tossed me a canister of
a leading competitor's product and said, "OK Bruce, go to work..." I then went into
a secret underground lab accessible by a hidden staircase at Gaspari's HQ in
Neptune, NJ and 6 weeks later... viola! Out I appeared with a revolutionary new
carbohydrate matrix that we are patenting called Outlast™ and Rich smacked me
along the side of the head with a 45 pound plate (to erase my memory of course).
OK, so it didnít quite happen that way. What did happen is that I looked at the best
carbohydrate matrix in the supplement industry, which anyone will tell you hands
down is Vitargo® (a patented mix of amylose and amylopectin) and said to myself,
"how can I duplicate the effects of Vitargo® and maybe even improve upon it without
violating the patents on this cool carbo?" Well it wasn't fuckin' easy, that's for
sure! But I think Outlast™ is going to give Vitargo™ and every other carbohydrate
out there a serious run for the money.
I spent many months working on a carbohydrate matrix that would mimic and I
think, improve upon the effects of Vitargo® without violating the patent concerning
it because a good friend of mine is the individual who has the exclusive license in
America to sell Vitargo® and unlike other people, I don't rip people off. So as much
as I could have used Vitargo® and this product would have been finished months
ago, I just could not see ripping off a friend of mine -- it is bad karma. So we worked
on our own matrix of carbohydrates and I'll be damned if we did not hit pay dirt. The
Outlast™ (and now patent pending) carbohydrate matrix is really something special
that has to be tried to be fully appreciated. It contains exacting amounts of amylose,
ribose, methyl cellulose, and a bunch of proprietary short, medium and long
chain glucose oligosaccharides based on months of clinical research that accomplish
the following:
1) Induces an immediate and sustained insulinogenic response to push more"fuel,"
amino acids and nutrients into the muscle cells for a longer period of time and with
more intensity than any other carbohydrate matrix.
2) Induces a gastrointestinal slowing effect which means the product is fully
digested and more is absorbed -- this means very little or none of the ingredients in
the products goes to waste 'out the back door.'
3) Induces a positive, deliberately designed, and sustained serotonergic neural
effect increases mental acuity and 'feeling of well being.'
Best Pre-Workout Drink Ever? Or Best Before Bed Drink Ever?
Perhaps Best Intra-Training Drink Ever? Nope! How About
"Best Utility Performance Enhancing Drink Ever!"
There is a lot more I could say about SizeOn™ but I am running out space (I could
write about this stuff forever I think). There are a lot of other useful and cool ingredients
in this product that space did not permit me to discuss but I will tell you what:
if you are looking for the ultimate intra-workout or post-training re-energizing drink
(or creatine product) than look no further because I'll stack this puppy up with any
of the "big dogs" out there and Iíll guarantee you that SizeOn™ will beat them all
back with a stick every time. The other "stuff" we noticed with SizeOn™ is that it is
more aptly called a "unique utility solution" because a lot of guys who got sample
packs decided to try it WHILE doing their workouts because Rich did just this by
accident for a week and gained about 6 pounds and felt (this is a quote) "like my
training session never had to come to an end." Another employee at Gaspari
Nutrition swears that SizeOn™ is better suited as a "take before you go to sleep --
wake up with an amazing, refreshed and re-energized feeling." So it appears that
no matter how you elect to use this wunderdrink, pre-workout, post-workout,
before bed or while you're training, you're gonna see some fantastic results. Try
SizeOn™ for three workouts and if it's not the best supplement you have purchased
in a long time then contact the man himself, Rich Gaspari at orders@gasparinutrition.
com and we'll gladly refund your money, no questions asked.

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